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Easter Bunny in the Empty Tomb

Something very strange happens in this cave - will BB be stuck in there forever?
(Children's story - illustrations would show these fluffy main characters but only show the sandaled feet of the people in the story.)

Pappa Rabbit and Baby Bunny (BB for short) were munching grass near the big rocks and BB said, "Pappa, PLEASE can I go in the cave? Please, please, please, please, please, please PLEASE?" Pappa said, "OK but stay where I can see you."

So BB hopped down one rock and another rock and right into the big black cave but he stayed right where Pappa could see him.

Oh NO - People came fast and BB got scared and JUMPED farther into the cave to hide! Pappa Rabbit waited for the people to leave, but when they did, they rolled a big BiG boulder - a HUGE big rock - over the opening of the cave and BB was stuck inside the cave!

Pappa Rabbit couldn't get in! BB was stuck inside and there was nothing Pappa could do. He waited, and..
he waited...
...and he waited all day and night and another day and night - and he would NEVER give up waiting but then...

The ground SHOOK and a light brighter than any bright sunshine blasted from the cave as the boulder rolled away! Pappa Rabbit could hardly see, the light was SO bright - and he hopped to the cave and Baby Bunny came hopping out while angels were singing all around at the Source of that Light that came out of that cave on that day.

This was the very first Easter and Someone very important had RISEN on that day. Everyone was so very excited that they didn't even notice that Baby Bunny and Daddy Rabbit were jumping for joy to be together again. Those people were even happier about what happened on that day, and this Easter story is still making people happy today.
Author notes
Children's story for Easter, I wrote this years and years ago - it should be easy to retell in your own words. See what you think!
Story length
short story

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